How many Czech words can you make from 11 letters?
Try to create as many unique Czech words as possible from 11 letters and collect combos for a better score. Each word must have 3-8 letters. Visit the HOW TO PLAY section for more information.
The game contains over 500,000 Czech words.
Challenge other players and try to get into the TOP20 or try to beat your best score!
The Czech Word Game is free to download.
* The Czech Word Game is entirely in Czech and Czech words are searched for
* More than 500,000 Czech words included
* 3 game modes - Challenge, Quick and No Limit
* At the end of each game you can send your points and compare them with other people
* Capital letters for easy readability
* Free to download
* Playable offline
* Challenge - 75 seconds time limit + 3 seconds for each word
* Speedboat - you play for 75 seconds
* Relax - you play without a time limit
Thank you for choosing our Czech Word Game and we wish you a pleasant time!